
Discover our compounding services at Little Acorn Pharmacy. Contact us for expert compounding services today.

We are a compounding pharmacy. Little Acorn Pharmacy formulates non-sterile compounds for adults and children. We specialize in dermatologic, thyroid, pain, bio identical and many other types of compounds. Please call us if you have any questions or need help with your compounding idea if you are a prescriber or if we can make it if you are a patient.

Like many people, pets can have unique medication needs. The dose or the required dosage form to administer the drug may not be available in a commercially manufactured product. For these cases, for example, where a smaller strength capsule is required or a chicken/fish flavored liquid is preferred, a Veterinarian may write a prescription for your pet’s particular needs. This is where compounding comes into play; to make sure that your pet’s personalized requirements are met. Compounding pharmacies complete the triad of Practitioner, Pharmacy and Patient/Pet relationship; the Veterinarian and Pharmacist work together to prescribe and prepare your pet’s medication specific to the their individual needs.

Not all Compounding Pharmacies are the same. Choosing an Pharmacy that is compliant with the highest standards, helps make sure that you and your pet are receiving the highest quality compounded products available.

*Standard Operating Procedures are in place and are being followed for all daily operations.

*All staff is properly certified and are continuously trained and instructed; which includes validation of the compounding process and being up to date with any changes in the laws and procedures that may effect the compounding of any product.

*That the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) guidelines for compounding are being followed; USP 795 for non-sterile products.

*All ingredients used in compounding are being purchased from FDA inspected facilities and are accompanied by a certificate of analysis documenting the chemical ‘s identity and purity.

*Quality Assurance programs are in place and are being followed ensuring that the best possible products are being dispensed.

*Finished products are sent to independent labs periodically to test for potency. Not only does this prove potency, it ensures staff is properly trained and following the correct procedures for compounding particular products.

*Expiration dates must be in compliance with USP guidelines.

To learn more about our ability to customize your meds, contact us today at 301-592-0060.